A year that changes a lifetime. The Diller teen fellowship provides opportunities for teens to be a part of a worldwide network and become the next generation of leaders.
The Diller Teen Fellows program was established in 1998 in San Fransico by the Helen Diller Foundation. Diller has three main outcomes: Stronger Jewish identities, Empowered leaders and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Diller has 32 communities across the world with 16 partnerships between diaspora communities and Israel. Here in Australia, our cohort of Melbourne teen fellows work with their partners in the Golan. Fellows participate in fortnightly workshops, attend Shabbatons and the Israel Summer Seminar which sees the group spend three weeks in Israel where they spend time with like-minded teens from across the globe.
The Melbourne Diller Teen Fellows program is an international leadership course for Jewish Teens currently in Year 9 and 10. It operates in 32 communities world wide